
Grape Oil for Veggie Bodyweight Loss

Is it true that a vegetarian can eat coconut oil for weight loss? Many people thought that coconut oil (primarily containing saturated fat) bears the same fatty chain structure as animal saturated fats. Here's the truth - animal saturated fat molecules attach to one another in long chain which your body finds hard to break down and thus store it as fat very easily, whereas coconut oil's saturated fat molecules form medium chain structure and readily breaks down for energy use during digestion. 

This in turn boosts your metabolism and burn fat off your fat storage. That explains why most people drop their pants size from eating coconut oil for weight loss. As a vegetarian, you'll get even more rewarding results as your body got less toxins to deal with since you don't ingest the toxin-laced meat. 

Here's another big advantage of eating coconut oil for weight loss. Being smaller in size, MCFAs yield fewer calories than other fats - only 6.8 calories per gram. This means if you replace other oils (which carry 9 calories per gram) with coconut oil, you'll benefit from lower caloric intake. 

Imagine your metabolism speeds up, at the same time you're ingesting lower calories, you can expect to burn more calories off your excess fat storage. That's how you can lose weight effectively as a vegetarian with this medium-chain fat-burning oil. 

How to Eat Coconut Oil for Vegetarian Weight Loss 

But here's the kicker. No matter how fat-burning the oil is, like any other foods, when you consume excess of it which the level of your metabolism is not able to burn it off totally, extra calories that left unused will still get deposited as fat in your energy bank. Hence, add the right amount in your vegetarian weight loss diet and you'll lose fat effectively. 

When you're starting out with putting coconut oil in your vegetarian diet for weight loss, because this fat-burning oil is extremely effective in curing constipation due to its high soluble fiber content, you should take up 1 tablespoon (1/2 in morning, 1/2 at night) first for at least 7 days. 

Observe your body condition and if you feel it works well with you, up the intake to 2 and then progressively to 3 tablespoons later on. After several months when you feel you can ingest more, you can actually increase the intake up to 5 tablespoons spread out in a day. Adding it to your vegetarian weight loss diet progressively is the key to good health and shape. 

That's what you should do when using coconut oil for weight loss. If you up the amount too fast, the oil may give you a diarrhea-like effect. So, work with your body closely for maximum fat loss without risking your health. Any food that's good when eat in the wrong way can affect you negatively, regardless of whether you're a vegetarian or not. 

Oh, last but not least, buy only virgin coconut oil because it is unrefined and will give you the best fat-burning effect. Bear in mind.

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